搜索 Case

  • Four of the Wests most infamous outlaws carry out a daring bank heist in the gold-rush town, Bath Water. As the posse takes chase, things take a turn for the worse, as the bandits realize theyve been double-crossed - but by who?
  • A newly reunited young couples drive through the Pacific Northwest turns into a nightmare as they are forced to face nature, unsavory locals, and a monstrous creature, known to the Native Americans as Oh-Mah.
  • 两个月前,美国一艘深海潜水艇在运送超级军事物品时,军方收到一阵勐然攻击及船员惨叫声后,潜艇无故失踪…一段时间后,潜艇于距离加州海岸60英理被发现,为了搜回失去的货物及查出事发原因,政府派出荣恩博士及精锐女金刚进入潜水艇…方发现大部分船员无故被杀,只剩下一位半疯癫的幸存者,在哭诉船员被不明怪兽厮杀的故事……
  • 清朝乾隆年间一起国子监监生失踪案,十四岁神童马钧在号舍考试时神秘失踪,顺天府府尹王成霖负责调查马钧下落,而就在王成霖查案期间,与马钧同场考试的监生却意外被杀使得案情更加扑朔迷离。
  • 女主相亲前一天晚上把闹钟定错了,结果第二天误打误撞的和另外一个男士约会,他们却意外地谈得来,但是当他们发现这一切都是巧合,两人的爱情又将何去何从?
  • In this spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their upstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an h…
  • Emerson Grahams nights as a cab driver are filled with annoyances and inconveniences, but until tonight, never attacks and disappearances. After picking up a mysterious passenger her evening goes from working a job to performing a quest as they must race against the clock to defeat a force of evil. The meter is running…
  • 房客 1927
  • 大自然界最不可思议的奇迹,百万种生物为了生存而采取了非凡的旅程。数千万只帝王蝶在墨西哥天空造成如同金色暴风雪的奇景。鸟类藉由太阳、星光和本能的引导而进行迁徒。在加州的墨西哥海滩,见识好奇又温驯的灰鲸。在印度洋的小圣诞节岛上,超过亿只的红蟹在进行神秘的迁徙。加入东非大草原上,数千只斑马迁徙的奇景。施行回到非洲,从几个原始…
  • 詹姆斯·卡梅隆:再见泰坦尼克