搜索 Holm

  • 在经过了两年的亡命生活之后,“丛林强盗”本·霍尔考虑自首投案,不过后来碰到自己的老朋友约翰·吉尔伯特,他说服本重操旧业。随着新成员约翰·邓恩的加入,他们又开始重新作案,没过多久他们3人就成为了大英帝国的头号通缉犯。当他们快要被宣判为逃犯时,他们决定永远逃离这个殖民地。当本离开,想要给自己受伤的过往一个交代时,他们信任的…
  • 无尽之中,我们被一个女人温柔的声音引导着整个世界。那是一种神话般的声音,一首Scheherazade给我们讲述了人类生活和奋斗的永恒故事:我看到一个孩子在雨下走着去参加生日聚会……我看到一个还没有找到爱的男孩……我看到一个不再信任银行的男人……我们从一系列显而易见的琐碎瞬间,看到男人和生活的平凡和宏伟,这些琐碎的时刻反映了生活的辉…
  • A reboot of the famous Swedish saga "Jönssonligan" ("The Jönsson Gang")
  • 为了得到国王的赏赐和避免自家的农场遭到破坏,穷小子艾斯本( ”Ash Lad” 或者Askeladen)和他的兄弟们开始了拯救被巨型山妖囚禁的公主之旅。本片是挪威著名作家Asbjørnsen和Moe的经典代表作。
  • 新品种少女学。女孩艾玛有点色,色情电话来谈心,老板到老友,男女都可以,异想世界中通通恋上我的床,直到白马王子咚咚来,一个「擦枪走火」,从此引发好姊妹之间战火。当整个小镇与我为敌。身体乍萌的战慄与微微的迷惑。女孩之间转瞬变脸合纵连横的複杂关系,清新又坦荡,越要爱越要作。追忆起那些汤汤水水的甜蜜事儿。青春微色,微涩。少女情…
  • When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory's sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister's mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the police. She's quick to lear…
  • Ambitious mid-life careerist Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being calibrated for success, Hanna is set on getting it all back. But getting there means hav…
  • 乐翻天的美国爆笑儿童喜剧,里面的小演员和那只狗狗的都激萌激萌的不要不要的。讲述的是几个男孩都想追求女孩达娜,在他们之间发生的各种纠结趣事,就是儿童世界的为了爱情,与兄弟们反目。央视曾引进过。
  • Twoestrangedbrotherscometogetheranddiscoveroldfamilysecretsafterinheritingtheirgrandfather’sproperty.Astheirfriendsstarttogomissing,theyfeartheyarebeingstalkedbyacreaturelurkingintheshadows.
  • 13-year-old Benjamin discovers that his mother didn't die in an accident as he was led to believe. The trail points to high-ranking officials in the Danish Secret Service - "Trust no one!" he is told.