搜索 Lau

  • Endless pristine beaches, crystal-blue water and never-ending sunshine: the goal of hotel manager Markus as he packs his bags for a relaxing holiday at the family-owned luxury hotel on the Seychelles. He also wants to catch up with his daughter Leonie who’s currently in job training at the resort.Leonie is good friends…
  • 三个法国姐妹过着各自的生活,当初抛弃她们的父亲15年后突然到来打乱了姐妹三人的生活。每个人由于个人禀性以及对父亲不告而别的反应不同而对他回家持有不同态度。当她们知道老父亲就要因为失忆而丧失生活自理能力后不知如何是好。小妹接受了他,但没想到老父亲走上了绝路三个法国姐妹过着各自的生活,当初抛弃她们的父亲15年后突然到来打乱了姐…
  • 丹尼尔博士是一个成功的脑外科医生,他即将和自己的生活伴侣阿拉纳搬到美国,在那里他接受了一份教授职位。但就在他们即将离开时,丹尼尔的哥哥卷入一场悲惨的摩托车事故而被带到医院救治,丹尼尔坚持领导操作。然而他的哥哥最终死在了手术室里,这带给了丹尼尔沉重的打击。由于无法接受哥哥的离世,丹尼尔在内疚之下做出了偏激的决定,他停止行…
  • From the creators of Hulu’s “Fyre Fraud,” LuLaRich is a true-con docuseries about LuLaRoe, the women’s internet apparel company that went from fast-growing retail phenomenon to alleged viral multi-level marketing scam. The four part serie…
  • As the seasoned infantry and tank units of the German 11th Panzer "Ghost" division move silently into position on the snow covered hills around Nennig Germany ,a battle weary GI and his unit stand ready to defend the small town, a key position in the Allied advance to win the war. Outgunned and outnum…