搜索 Singh

  • 两名男孩同时爱上了一名女孩,当他们都报名参加了海湾战争沙漠军刀行动后,情况开始变得复杂
  • 性格内向的女孩芭努想得到人生中的第一次,但每次尝试都失败。占星家说这是不可能完成的任务,她将无法性福,芭努发誓打破厄运……
  • In just over 100 days, a new coronavirus has taken an unprepared world by storm, infiltrating every corner of the globe, sending entire nations into lockdown, killing thousands and infecting countless more. Across the world, governments are scrambling to react, hospitals are struggling to cope and an increasingly anxio…
  • 只有他们能侦听到的太空的神秘声音?他们到底发现了什么?三位天文学家意外地截获了他们认为是来自遥远的外星文明的信号,但事实比他们任何人想象的都要不可思议。该片制作历时五年,四个工作人员,三个演员,零预算的独立电影。
  • 拳击烈女
  • Asuburbanwomanfightstobebelievedasshefindsherselfstalkedbyathreateningfigurewhoreturnstoherhousenightafternight.Whenshecantgethelpfromthosearoundher,sheisforcedtotakemattersintoherownhands.
  • Two sisters living separate lives on different continents are reunited on a Mediterranean Island. The two barely have time to bond and revive family ties as Kate, the elder, meets a group of locals and agrees to an exciting ride on a hot air balloon. But disaster strikes and as the result of a freak accident, the ballo…
  • 梁文道称:“约翰•伯格是西方左翼浪漫精神的真正传人,一手是投入公共领域的锋锐评论,另一手则是深沉内向的虚构创作。”约翰•伯格于今年1月离世,使得这部纪录片成为他晚年生活弥足珍贵的记录影像。   影片由四部风格迥异的短片构成,串联起一年四季。以约翰·伯格生前所居住过的小镇昆西为背景,用平实的故事以及诗一般的画面,为约翰·伯…