搜索 A.R.

  • A burned-out cop from the midwest, Colton Riggs, finds his boring, Maltese lifestyle turned upside down when he suddenly finds himself catapulted into a web of high-stakes international espionage.
  • ROAD 2: THE SEA OF GLASS AND FIRE picks up where the first film in the series ends. After the rapture has taken place, JOSH MCMANUS (David A. R. White) is left behind and goes on a journey to find out what has happened and attempts to travel home to find his family. Before he can go anywhere, he is confronted again by …
  • 《启示之路:是结束也是开始》是2013年上映的一部动作电影。主要讲述了乔希是一个平凡的旅行推销员。但是,在错误的时间,来到了满目疮痍的西德克萨斯城。所以,发生了一连串的不幸的事情。所以,也导致了他要面对一个叫做邪恶野蛮人的摩托车黑帮…于是,紧接着,天空突然的一闪烁,带来了一系列的严重地震,整个世界都已经陷入到了混乱当中。有…
  • 27年前,孟买毒品泛滥,毒品贩子哈里·乔普拉甚至纵火烧死博里瓦里17名警察,致使警察地位一落千丈。中央为了重振警界形象,派个人能力极强且暴躁的阿迪亚·阿鲁萨兰担任孟买警察专员。阿迪亚上任后,重拳整顿警察队伍,对黑恶势力、拐卖妇女儿童重拳打击。在逮捕毒品实际控制人、孟买大商贩维诺德·马霍拉之子后,大商贩收买他人入监狱定罪。阿…