搜索 Akasha

  • Following her daughter's suicide, a grief-stricken mother is visited by an unconventional therapist who offers a hallucinogenic drug that will allow communion with the dead. Desperate to understand her daughter's psyche, she accepts the offer and soon finds herself terrorized by her daughter's identical experiences.
  • 威尔贝鲁国的丽塔公主为了避免战争,本来应该与大国:圣卡托兰斯国的肯尔尼亚王子政策结婚。但是丽塔却因为刺伤肯尔尼亚,并在之后与盗贼蒂娜 一起从城堡里逃出。此事激怒了圣卡托兰斯国的国王,他要求在期限内将丽塔处刑,否则将发动战争。被悬赏中的丽塔与蒂娜、妖精雪莉、人工智能战车吉拉诺· 德·波路杰拉克一起带着调停要求的状子往中立国…