搜索 Amato

  • 超级罕见的经典!由著名熟悉的意大利导演乔·迪阿马托导演,以日本香港演员及场地为背景,中西结合的一部《玉蒲团》的鼻祖电影。
  • Following the death of his father, Lyle Bennett sets out on an extreme weight loss journey in the hopes of reaching health and happiness. His goal will push him past his physical limits and test the strength of his mental and emotional stability.
  • 一位从越南归来的美国老兵,在路易斯安娜的家中发现老婆与别人偷情。愤怒的他受到一种奇怪的鸟叫声驱使,杀死了老婆与她的情人,结果自己也被怪鸟硬生生啄去了双眼。多年后,一群年轻的大学生到美国路易斯安娜某处寻找一种罕见的鸟类,结果被困在一所荒郊野岭的房子里。而更令他们没想到的是,那里除了有怪鸟之外还有大量丧尸!
  • 16 year old Rocco's two aims in life are to get laid and to see his favourite pop star in concert with his best friends, sassy and tomboyish Maria and nerdy and quiet Mauri. When a bullying incident at school forces Rocco to come out to his divorced middle-class parents their liberal leanings are severely tested. L…
  • 为了实现目前的遗愿,并避免从遗嘱中除名,这个顽固的单身汉雇了一名女演员假扮自己的未婚妻
  • 一名男子不滿一樁冤獄案件的發生,私自綁架審判該案的法官,將其囚禁於地下室,並錄影開直播,公開質疑其判決有誤,要求社會大眾對其進行公審並投票,然而最終的結果,會因此撼動程序正義嗎?
  • 8岁的红发男孩Zach Bonner和他做房产经纪的妈妈和小妹Kelley住在Tampa 坦帕市。2004年, 查理飓风来的时候,Zach 用他破旧的玩具车装水食物和衣服给那些天灾遭难的家庭。 他的善举被当地媒体注目和赞美。这也使得他鼓起勇气冒着抗衡官僚主义搞起了自己的慈善事业—— 小红车基金会(the Little Red Wagon Foundation),生产…
  • 影片聚焦在安娜的童年、青春以及成年时期的不同阶段,三个重要的人生时刻,都充满了欲望,同时也诠释了她的一生。
  • American Hangman is a thriller built around a relentlessly ticking clock and a rapidly approaching deadline and verdict. A kidnapping, broadcast live on social media, turns into the trial of a judge who presided over a botched criminal case. This time, however, the audience gets to play judge and jury, deciding if the …
  • 罗布是一个身体虚弱,讨人厌的肺病患者。在得知自己因为诈骗要被判入狱一段时间后,由于害怕在监狱里会受欺负,于是他急忙寻求一个武师的帮助,在短时间内,速成了一些拳脚功夫。入狱以后,罗布因为有功夫在身,所以生活过得很滋润,甚至还因为打败了敌对的狱中帮派而被奉为英雄……