搜索 Antonsen

  • 库尔特(Atle Antonsen 配音)是一名叉车操作员,他深深的热爱着自己的这一份工作,亦拥有着高超的操作技巧,然而,库尔特渐渐的发现,虽然自己深受同事和上司的爱戴和信赖,但对其他人来说,叉车操作员并不是一份高尚和只得尊重的工作,就连自己的妻子和孩子们在提到他的工作时,亦选择了含糊其辞的一笔带过。   库尔特决定辞职,他要寻找一…
  • About a pompous, aging alcoholic and a tourettes-inflicted ten-year-old boy who are forced to spend a week together at a high-end hotel. The only thing these two have in common is that they are both difficult to like. The hotel serves as their shared escape from the outside world and the problems it presents.
  • 《在糟糕的日子里》一对出现婚姻问题的夫妇前往一个遥远的小屋重新修好,但他们都有杀害对方的企图。就在他们执行计划前,意外的访客来了,他们面临着更大的危险。