搜索 Chacko

  • TheseminalquestionoflandandthedisplacementofAdivasi(Indigenous)CommunitiesinIndia.Allthegovernmentsthathaveruledthenationmadelawsthatdeniedtheindigenouspeopletheirwayoflifeandtheirlandoften,protectingcronycapitalistinterests.Itrevisitsanepisodeofdissentinthe90swhichbroughtupthisquestionamongstus.Ahistoryforgotten.
  • Hareesh and Reshmi are an immigrant couple from Kerala working in a medical gloves factory near Delhi. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, when an old video resurfaces among the factory workers, it opens up a Pandora’s box that threatens the couple’s jobs and marriage. As desperation and hostility mounts, they confront thei…
  • 《火星公主》作为《火星系列》三部曲的第一部,电影画面将由实拍画面和动画画面合成。这部作品围绕着南北战争时的南方军大尉约翰·卡特在火星上的一系列冒险活动展开描写。
  • Two youngsters who try to find joy after they lose out on love and their need for a mutual trust qiwan.cc to sustain love and happiness.
  • The film will bring on screen the life of the most celebrated criminal of Kerala- Sukumara Kurup.
  • When a private eye takes a case to find a missing university student, he must explore the deep dark depths of his own mind to uncover the truth around his own childhood disappearance as he tracks down the missing girl.