搜索 Hoang

  • Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their insatiable thirst for warm, bright-red blood compels the orphaned predators to roam the ill-lit streets of Paris in sea…
  • 影片以小女孩梅的成长经历为主线,讲述了她先后在两个家庭环境中的生活境遇。小女孩梅10岁来到城里一个大户人家当佣人,主人是一个民间音乐家,常常不告而别便带走家里所有财物出门游历,家里的大小事务都由少奶奶一人担当。少奶奶曾经有一个女儿,在一场大病中夭折,梅长的很像死去的小姐,因此受到少奶奶的格外爱护。少爷一次又一次卷走家里所…
  • WithseriestenduetolaunchonSunday18Aprilat8pmandseries11abouttocommencefilming,CallTheMidwifewillnowbeonairuntil2024.Series12and13,commissionedbyPiersWenger,DirectorofBBCDramaandCharlotteMoore,ChiefContentOfficer,willconsistoftwo8x60’seriesandtwoChristmasspecials.
  • Thiên Thần Hộ Mệnh bắt đầu khi Mai Ly, một ngôi sao của giới giải trí bỗng rơi từ tầng thượng một toà nhà xuống đất và chết. Bí ẩn hơn khi người ta đồn rằng cái chết của Mai Ly có liên quan đến một loại ma thuật, bùa ngải …
  • 在越南的一個老城區,患有嗜睡症的刑警——K, 他的最後一項任務是調查某位名人被謀殺案件。此件很快地被宣佈結案,而K也被要求退休。然而沒多久,他發現負責此案件的刑警抓錯人了,因為真兇與鎮上失蹤兒童有所牽連。
  • 男主和一群朋友到了一家公寓,发生了一系列恐怖的事,最后都死了,就剩两个男主和其中一个女生,后面应该就是三个人之间的爱恨情仇!
  • In this spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their upstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an h…
  • 因为妻子的意外身亡,皮(Phi)一位拳师,决定返回越南,为妻子报仇、血债血偿。在他越南家乡的村庄里,他不但确认了凶手是一个名叫巴劳的当地一霸,同时,还发现了隐藏在其背后的秘密。命运又一次让皮面临选择——是只身为妻子报仇?还是选择舍弃个人恩怨而保护家乡的村民?
  • 因为妻子的意外身亡,皮(Phi)一位拳师,决定返回越南,为妻子报仇、血债血偿。在他越南家乡的村庄里,他不但确认了凶手是一个名叫巴劳的当地一霸,同时,还发现了隐藏在其背后的秘密。命运又一次让皮面临选择——是只身为妻子报仇?还是选择舍弃个人恩怨而保护家乡的村民?