搜索 Petchtai

  • In the 1970's a young idealistic teacher arrives in a remote impoverished North East Issan village to teach in a school. He must first reform the womanizing, gambling addicted, wife beating headmaster. He helps poor families get school uniforms and books for their children. He does his best to improve everyone'…
  • In a Southern province in Thailand, a young boy lives with his uncle and a monkey called Kapi. When the uncle dies, the boy is threatened by a real estate tycoon who wants to buy their land and turn it into a resort. The boy has to train Kapi to enter a coconut-picking competition, with their land at stake.
  • 诺尔(沃拉娜特·旺萨莞 Woranuch Wongsawan 饰)是一名陪酒女朗,整日混迹于灯红酒绿的夜店欢场之中,虽然身边熙熙攘攘,但诺尔感到非常的孤独,她渴望平静的生活,渴望一份纯真的感情。没事的时候,诺尔喜欢听一档名为《流金岁月》的电台节目,只有在滋滋跳动的电台频率之中,诺尔才能得到一丝短暂的安慰。   宋巴特(派特察泰·王卡姆劳 …
  • 翁坤调查一伙恐怖分子潜入泰国执行任务,化装成流行歌手,最终制止这场破坏.
  • 在曼谷读书的卡塔在回家的汽车上偶遇同乡的女孩拉潘,也因此互生情意。而卡塔复读了三年的弟弟卡潘却因为纠缠拉潘的妹妹拉佩被警告。一天,为了躲避在街上小混混骚扰的拉潘又遇到卡塔并救了她,两人相聊甚欢....但不巧的是,卡塔和拉潘两家父母是死对头,互相喜欢的两人能够得到父母的允许吗?
  • 爱战也梭吞 3
  • Rural love story continues in Yaem Yasothorn 2, the sequel to the hit comedy "Yaem Yasothon" directed by popular comedian turned director Mum Jokmok. The story continues after the marriage of Yaem and Joey when the couple has a beautiful daughter and Yaem becomes a strict father who guards his daughter from s…
  • Mai是一个经常到酒吧泡夜店的女人,每次喝醉后都会找一个人,那就是Mam。Mam有自己妻子,可是作为好朋友,他总是无怨无悔的照顾Mai。